Nuclear power will be limited, says Gore via PennEnergy

Nuclear power will only play a limited role in the world s energy future because of its absurdly high cost, Al Gore said on Thursday.

Despite several countries, including the US, UK and China, pushing forward with plans for new nuclear reactors, the former US vice-president said the economics of nuclear power meant that it was unlikely to play a major role.

It will play a role, but probably a limited role. I think the waste issue can probably be solved and, Fukushima notwithstanding, the safety of operation issue can probably be solved. But the cost is absurdly high and still rising, he wrote during a question-and-answer session on Reddit to promote his 24-hour Climate Reality webcast on fossil fuels and extreme weather.

Mr Gore s comments seem to suggest he has changed his mind on how attractive nuclear is in 2009, he said he saw it playing a somewhat larger role in the energy mix because of climate change and efforts to cut carbon emissions.

I m not a reflexive opponent of nuclear. I used to be enthusiastic about it, but I m now sceptical about it, he said at the time.

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