Film series to offer perspectives on nuclear not usually seen in MSM


CHICAGO– Chicago-based nuclear watchdog organization Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS) will launch a monthly series of documentaries on various nuclear-related topics this coming Thursday, February 23rd in Chicago.


The first program will be a review followed by discussion of the recent controversial Frontline program, “Nuclear Aftershocks,” which was aired on PBS in January.  The event will take place at the Multi-Kulti community center, 1000 N. Milwaukee Ave., 4th floor, Chicago, starting at 6:30 p.m. A facilitated discussion will take place after the review.


“Even when mainstream media chooses to broadcast programs dealing with nuclear the result is — intentionally or not — often skewed towards making the “pro” side seem oh-so professional, and the opposition appear uninformed, hysterical or a combination of the two,” notes long-time nuclear critic and opponent, Dave Kraft, director of NEIS.  “This series attempts to balance the record, and point out in detail the flaws and incompleteness of some of this documentary record — the record that most viewers get to see.”


The series will begin its showings at the Multi-Kulti Center, but later in the year will change locations to reach as wide a swath of the Chicago area as possible.  All showings will be followed by facilitated discussion of the films presented, and are free to the public unless stated otherwise.  “Free-will” donations will be accepted.  Programs will begin at 6:30 and conclude at 9:00 p.m.


“We’re trying to balance the discussion about  a critical and controversial issue — nuclear power — with this series,” says Kraft.  “When most of the ‘experts’ in a documentary like ‘Nuclear Aftershocks’ come from MIT — which has a sizeable (pro-) nuclear power curriculum, and has taken contributions from the now notorious Japanese nuclear utility TEPCO — you have to call into question the automatic bias of their statements, and even the intentions of PBS in broadcasting largely that point of view.  We’re attempting to provide a rational discussion of the ‘other side’ that often gets left out of the presentation,” Kraft asserts.


Updates of the proposed schedule can be found on the NEIS website at A copy of the current planned schedule accompanies this release.


For more information, contact NEIS at:  (773)

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