Monthly Archives: January 2012

Co-op checking meals for cesium via The Japan Times Online

The Japanese Consumers’ Cooperative Union said Thursday it is monitoring how much radioactive material is contained in household meals to help ease consumer worries. The co-op said it started the study Dec. 15 on meals at about 250 households in … Continue reading

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Fukushima to test milk from 10,000 mothers via The Japan Times Online

FUKUSHIMA — The breast milk of about 10,000 mothers residing in Fukushima Prefecture, home to the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, will be tested for radioactive contamination, prefectural officials said Thursday. Details of the test, which is available … Continue reading

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Study: Child leukemia doubles near nuclear power plants via Fox

The incidence of leukemia is twice as high in children living close to French nuclear power plants as in those living elsewhere in the country, a study by French health and nuclear safety experts has found. But the study, to … Continue reading

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Shareholders to sue Tepco directors via The Japan Times

Forty-two Tepco shareholders who in November asked its in-house auditors to file a negligence suit against 60 of the utility’s board members seeking ¥5.5 trillion in damages over the Fukushima nuclear crisis, may sue the directors on their own after … Continue reading

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Post-Fukushima Radiation Mapped via ieee spectrum

Cesium in soil a problem for agriculture By Prachi Patel  /  December 2011 2 December 2011—More than eight months after a tsunami triggered a meltdown at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, the broad impact of the accident on Japan’s people and … Continue reading

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全原発の稼働停止、現実味 四国電、全3基定検入り via Sankei Biz

四国電力が保有する原子力発電所の運転が全て止まり、全国の稼働原発が4月末にゼロとなる可能性が一段と現実味を帯び てきた。四電の伊方原発2号機(愛媛県伊方町)は13日、定期検査のため運転を停止し、すでに定検入りしている1、3号機を含めて全3基がストップ。全国 54基のうち稼働中の原発は5基になる。伊方2号機の運転停止で、56万6000キロワットの供給力が一気に低下する。四国電では今冬の最大需要を520万キロワットと想定。停止中だった火力発電の阿南2号機の運転を再開し、本川1号機の点検作業を先送りするといった対策で供給力を積み増した。 ただ、電力需要に対する供給余力を示す予備率は1月が2.3%、2月は2.1%と安定供給の目安とされる適正予備率(8~10%)を大幅に下回り、電力需給は綱渡りの状況が続く。 続きは全原発の稼働停止、現実味 四国電、全3基定検入り

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Anti-nuclear meeting offers lessons learned from Fukushima via Business Recorder

Rebecca Harms, a European Parliament member from Germany, was braced for severe power shortages on arriving in Japan, with only six of the nation’s 54 nuclear reactors in service, but was shocked to find wasted electricity all over the country.The … Continue reading

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Germans Oppose New Plants Next Door via Spiegel online

Germany famously moved to phase out nuclear energy following the atomic disaster in Japan last spring. Now states in the country are skeptically eyeing plans in neighboring countries, including the Netherlands and Poland, to construct nuclear power plants. They say … Continue reading

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New Study Ranks Countries on Security of Materials That Fuel Nuclear Arms via The New York Times

Now, for the first time publicly, experts have surveyed the precautions each country has in place and ranked the nations from best to worst. The study is full of surprises and potential embarrassments: for instance, Australia takes first place in … Continue reading

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Gov’t tells TEPCO to prepare repair plan for Fukushima Daini equipment via The Mainichi Daily News

The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency told Tokyo Electric Power Co. on Wednesday to prepare a report by the end of January on how to repair equipment at its Fukushima Daini nuclear power plant damaged by the March 2011 earthquake … Continue reading

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