India Says Work at Russia-Built Nuclear Plant Remains Stalled via Bloomberg Businessweek

Jan. 9 (Bloomberg) — Nuclear Power Corp. of India said work at its plant at Kudankulam in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, being built with Russia’s help, remains at a standstill following continuing protests by villagers near the site.

“No work’s happening now,” S.A. Bhardwaj, director of technical services, said in New Delhi today. “Once the agitations are over, it’ll take us about two months to get contract workers back at the site. We can start generating power about four months after that.”

The first of two 1,000-megawatt reactors at Kudankulam, which state-owned Rosatom Corp. is helping to build, will start in a couple of weeks, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said in Moscow Dec. 16, after meeting Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

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