America Is Getting More Power from Renewables than From Nuclear via Good Environment

Despite the economic slowdown and the absence of any groundbreaking climate policy, renewable energy had a good year in the United States in 2011. According to the latest report from the Energy Information Administration, the government’s keeper of all energy-related facts, renewables grew at a record pace and squeaked out of last place in the country’s energy generation standings. In the first nine months of the year, renewables accounted for 11.95 percent of domestic energy production, pulling ahead of nuclear power, which contributed only 10.62 percent.When you look at the electricity sector alone, renewables shine even brighter. Nuclear’s share of electricity generation dropped by 2.8 percent compared to the first nine months of 2010, while coal’s share dropped by 4.2 percent. In the same period, renewables’ share of electricity generation grew almost 25 percent.

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One Response to America Is Getting More Power from Renewables than From Nuclear via Good Environment

  1. entrepreneur says:

    We should welcome the competition between renewable energy and existing energy. Because healthy competition make healthy benefit to us.According to this article,renewable energy’s share in America increased twenty five percent on the other hand nuclear energy’s share dropped two percent and coal energy’s share dropped four percent.Many investors noticed that renewable energy will be profitable,so this tendency will continue.The safety technology of nuclear energy is also been developed.And We don’t forget that the total share of renewable energy is only about twelve percent in America at this moment and we still have to depend on nuclear energy.We should watch for the competition continuously developing safety technology of nuclear energy.

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