続きは 市民と科学者の内部被曝問題研究会(略称:内部被曝研)結成の呼びかけ
The accident of Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant caused serious harm. Vast areas have been contaminated with radiation, and the lives of a large number of people are threatened.
The major effects of radiation from the accident are caused by internal exposure by inhaling or ingesting food and drink. In measuring the doses of exposure to radiation, the government and its professional advisors have relied mainly on gamma rays which are easy to detect. But, in terms of internal radiation exposure, beta and alpha rays have a far more serious effect than gamma rays. The Japanese government and TEPCO hardly measure such isotopes as beta emitting strontium-90 or alpha emitting plutonium-239. They have been deliberately ignoring the characteristics of internal exposure and its effects on the health.
Behind this lie the nuclear strategies and nuclear power policies of the United States. Influenced by these policies, international organizations such as the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) were established. They have relied on the research by Radiation Effects Research Foundation which has been ignoring the effect of radiation exposures from fallouts of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic bombs. With regard to the Fukushima accident, the Japanese government makes such claims as “there is no statistically significant evidence to prove that the radiation doses under 100mSv cause diseases”, and they continue to cover up the real facts on the effects of exposure to radiation. They set a high dose for the dose limit of exposure, and consequently they are not protecting the lives of citizens.
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