Germany Continues Exporting Electricity–Renewables Driving Down Power Prices–Despite Closing Reactors via

September 27, 2011

By Paul Gipe

Recent data shows Germany continues to export electricity despite closing seven nuclear reactors.

Meanwhile Bloomberg reports that continued renewable energy expansion in Germany is driving down power prices.

Germany’s bureau of statistics reports that the country exported more electricity than it imported during the first half of 2011. This puts the lie to widespread rumors circulating in North America that Germany is closing its nuclear power plants by relying on imports of electricity from its neighbors.

Though the bureau of statistics notes that the margin of exports over imports has decreased from 2010, Germany sold 4 TWh more electricity than it bought during the period. Germany consumes more than 300 TWh every six months. The surplus for export represents about 1% of consumption.

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One Response to Germany Continues Exporting Electricity–Renewables Driving Down Power Prices–Despite Closing Reactors via

  1. yukimiyamotodepaul says:

    Unlike the rumor(?) that Germany is indebted to French nuclear power….

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