Radiation Levels in Northwest Rain Were Up to 130 Times Drinking Water Standards Following Fukushima, Japan nuclear reactor explosions via nuclearfreeplanet.org

Gerry Pollet, JD, Exec. Director
Heart of America Northwest “The public’s voice for Hanford Cleanup”
www.hoanw.org (206)382-1014 / (206)819-9015 cell

Radiation Levels in Rain in WA and OR were high enough to be of concern despite news reports and officials stating that levels were “below any level of public health concern.” Olympia rainwater had Iodine 131 at levels 41 times the federal Drinking Water Standard, Portland over 28 times the standard.

Boise, ID levels reached 130 times the Drinking Water Standard for Iodine 131 and 14 times higher for Cesium 134 – indicating higher levels fell in Oregon and Washington.

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