Nuke crisis refugee fought losing 18-year legal battle against Fukushima plant via Mainichi Daily News

NIIGATA — In 1992, Sanzo Onoda and his fellow plaintiffs lost their 18-year legal battle to have one of Fukushima’s nuclear power plants shuttered. He and 400 others originally filed the case against the construction of the Fukushima No. 2 Nuclear Power Plant in 1975, pointing to the dangers of a catastrophe in the event of a major earthquake or tsunami.

The retired high school teacher, who continued to plead fruitlessly with plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) over the safety of the coastal reactors even after the case was dismissed, is now a nuclear crisis refugee here, some 200 kilometers from his home.

“We have no idea when the next major earthquake will come,” says Onoda, 73. “Now is the time to rid ourselves of our dependence on nuclear power.”

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福島原発:訴訟元原告団長、新潟で避難生活「依存脱却を」via Mainichi jp

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