“U.S. Military Exposed to Radiation in Japan, Though Officials Say Danger is Minimal” via Time News Feed

The U.S. Navy is no stranger to nuclear power. As of March 2010, the organization has operated 82 nuclear-powered ships with 103 reactors on ships and submarines. So when the tests confirmed that its team of 17 naval helicopter crew became exposed to almost a month’s worth of nuclear radiation in just one hour– it knew what to do.
First it took immediate action by destroying the crew’s infected uniforms and ensuring they washed with soap and water to remove the plume. Then the crew underwent another series of tests with the results showing no contamination. Next it repositioned its aircraft carriers from the 7th fleet away from Japan’s crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power station. A statement then followed along with a slew of interviews stressing the crew’s minimal amount of radiation given the low dose exposure.

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