Tag Archives: climate change

A Pacific Isle, Radioactive and Forgotten via The New York Times

By Michael B. Gerrard The United States had chosen this string of islands halfway between Hawaii and Australia for its nuclear tests; specifically the atolls of Bikini and Enewetak. Each is a thin broken circle of coral reefs surrounding a … Continue reading

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Leaked Playbook Shows How Big Oil Fights Clean Energy via Discovery News

hen it comes to curtailing carbon emissions, California leads the way. Its policies promoting clean energy and zero-emission vehicles are the most comprehensive of any state, and have strong public support. Of course, there’s one group that’s not very happy … Continue reading

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NUKES vs GLOBAL WARMING vs RENEWABLE ENERGY as we investigate how King CONG (Coal, Oil, Nukes & Gas) is doing its best to subvert our Solartopian future. DAVE KRAFT of Chicago’s Nuclear Energy Information Service joins CINDY FOLKERS and KEVIN … Continue reading

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Naomi Klein disagrees with James Hansen on Nuclear Power

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Wind Energy Could Generate Nearly 20 Percent of World’s Electricity by 2030 via EcoWatch (Reader Supported News)

ind power has a pivotal role to play in the world’s energy supply over the next few years. By providing huge amounts of clean, affordable power, it can buy us time in the fight against global warming while revolutions in … Continue reading

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Rockefellers, Heirs to an Oil Fortune, Will Divest Charity From Fossil Fuels via The New York Times

John D. Rockefeller built a vast fortune on oil. Now his heirs are abandoning fossil fuels. The family whose legendary wealth flowed from Standard Oil is planning to announce on Monday that its $860 million philanthropic organization, the Rockefeller Brothers … Continue reading

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The BBC, Friends of the Earth and nuclear power via The Ecologist

At first it looked like a journalistic coup, writes Neil Crumpton – the BBC’s ‘scoop’ that FOE was no longer opposed to nuclear power. Except that FOE remains firmly anti-nuclear as it has been for decades. The spotlight must now … Continue reading

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The People’s Climate March: Meet the Next Movement of Movements via Naomi Klein.org

The most important climate gathering next week will not be happening at the UN, but in the streets: thousands upon thousands of us will be sounding the climate alarm, literally, at the historic People’s Climate March on September 21. While … Continue reading

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HRN New York presents a seminar “Nuclear Power is NOT the answer to Climate Change” September 15th via Human Rights Now

On 15th September, Temple of Understanding, Peace Boat US, Human Rights Now, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Nuclear Information and Resources Service, and Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition presents a seminar “Nuclear Power is NOT the answer to Climate Change”, the place to … Continue reading

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Feds OK hotter water to operate Turkey Point nuclear reactors via The Miami Herald

Florida Power and Light may operate cooling canals around Turkey Point at higher temperatures, nuclear regulators say, despite a festering algae bloom that has clogged the waterway, made water hotter and threatened to shut down two reactors. Cooling the nuclear … Continue reading

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