ビキニ水爆実験被爆者 元第五福竜丸乗組員 大石又七/Matashichi Oishi, former crew of the Lucky 5th Dragon, Hibakusya from Bikini nuclear test via Save Kids Japan


I believe we cannot have a correct understanding of Fukushima nuclear accident unless we look back the Bikini Incident 57 years ago. The most important point is, who and why a dangerous nuclear power plant was introduced to Japan, a most earthquake prone country.


When I was a crew member of Lucky 5th Dragon fishermen’s boat in 1954, I encountered a US Pacific thermonuclear test, approximately 1000 times as powerful as the Hiroshima A-bomb. I became a Hibakusya. By the fallout brought back to Japan, people came to realize that the Pacific Ocean and the atmosphere was strongly contaminated with radiation, which became a big news, later called as Bikini Incident.


Thermonuclear bomb did not only give out enormous explosive power, but also scattered deadly radioactive materials in the environment. The half lives of radioactive materials can range as long as dozens of years to even tens of thousands of years. These materials can be absorbed into various parts of human bodies, harming the chromosomes and body tissues internally-this is called internal exposure. This kind of damage can cause still birth, congenital defects, which could be transferred from generation to generation.


Even the modern science and medicine cannot detect where such long-lived radioactive material can travel in the winds and food chain, or who and which part of the body such materials can finally come down to. This is the horror of radiation. Maybe some of you might have become hibakusya already.


I want to say this. In spite of citizens’ voices of concern against nukes and radiation in those days, the governments of the US and Japan smothered the incident and hid the facts. What happened then? Nuclear weapons become much more powerful than Hiroshima A-bomb and more than 20000 nuclear warheads are now threatening the entire humanity.


The US government did not take any responsibility or compensate for the victims of this very important Bikini incident and instead, paid small amount of consolation money only. Meanwhile, the Japanese government acknowledged the continuation of the nuclear testing and in return, demanded for nuclear power behind the scenes. Don’t you think these people who made efforts to introduce nuclear power to Japan highly responsible? I believe they are the responsible.


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