Bridgeton residents allege radioactive waste found in home came from West Lake Landfill via St. Louis Public Radio

Updated Nov. 15 with additional details Residents in Bridgeton have filed a lawsuit Tuesday afternoon in the St. Louis County Circuit Court, alleging that radioactive waste was found at a home near the West Lake Landfill.

The lawsuit names nine companies, including landfill owner Republic Services, the Cotter Corporation and Mallinckrodt Inc. as defendants. The plaintiffs are Michael and Robbin Dailey, who live in the Spanish Lake subdivision. According to the lawsuit, sampling conducted at their property last summer found “high levels of uranium decay products, including thorium, lead, radon” in the kitchen, basement and yard. Exposure to such substances can increase the risk to cancer, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

It also claims that dust inside their home contained levels of the radioactive element Thorium-230 that were at least 200 times higher than background levels.


The West Lake Landfill, a federally listed Superfund site, contains World War II-era nuclear waste that was illegally dumped there in the 1970s. It sits approximately 600 feet from an underground smoldering fire under the Bridgeton Landfill.

“The EPA has not received any new data regarding any migration off-site of radiologically impacted material from the West Lake Landfill,” EPA spokesperson Angela Brees said in an email.

Read more at Bridgeton residents allege radioactive waste found in home came from West Lake Landfill

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