Daily Archives: 2016/01/08

Sea Turtles Aged Using Carbon From Nuclear Bomb Tests via IFL Science

Determining the age of sea turtles is notoriously difficult. The size of the creatures cannot be used as a measure, and the lack of teeth rules out another potential marker. Estimates vary on the age the marine reptiles can reach, … Continue reading

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Report underlines recent worker hazards at old weapons plants via The Center for Public Integrity

Federal health investigators found serious problems when they inspected a former uranium enrichment plant being dismantled in Ohio The toxic morass that was America’s nuclear weapons complex is no secret. Hazardous conditions in places like the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant  … Continue reading

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Nuclear radiation, Kierkegaard, and the philosophy of denial via The Ecologist

As the evidence of the extreme harm to health inflicted by nuclear radiation mounts, the denialists are resorting to ever greater extremes, writes Chris Busby. On the one hand, advancing the absurd claim that ionising radition is not merely harmless, … Continue reading

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Hearings set on impact from salinity levels in FPL nuke cooling canals via My Palm Beach Post

A three-judge panel will decide if allowing FPL’s nuclear plant cooling canal water to exceed 100 degrees, potentially increasing salt levels in the canals and the aquifer, took the possible environmental impact into account. A series of orgnaizations, including the … Continue reading

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原発避難者ら10万人下回る=帰還や転居進む—福島 via The Wall Street Journal

東日本大震災や東京電力福島第1原発事故に伴う福島県の避難者数が10万人を下回り、昨年12月時点で9万9991人になったことが8日、県のまと めで分かった。原発避難指示区域からの強制避難者だけでなく、自主避難者も含む。震災から5年近くが経過し、仮設住宅などを出て、帰還や避難先での定住が 進んでいるとみられる。 県によると、避難者数は、県内避難が昨年12月末時点で5万6463人、県外は同月10日現在で4万3497人。住所の届け出がない避難先不明者は31人だった。 避難者数は2012年5月集計の16万4865人をピークに徐々に減少。昨年1月集計では、12万1585人だった。 続きは原発避難者ら10万人下回る=帰還や転居進む—福島

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Wisconsin Assembly to vote on lifting nuclear power moratorium via THOnline.com

MADISON, Wis. — The state Assembly is set to take up a bill that would lift Wisconsin’s moratorium on new nuclear power plants. Republicans who control the chamber placed the bill on Tuesday’s calendar during a meeting Thursday. Under current … Continue reading

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Virginia Loves Nuclear But Hates Uranium. Why? via Energy Collective

Virginia may be the only state in the U.S. with a law creating a public-private partnership structure whose mission is to strengthen and promote its nuclear energy and technology industries. There are two components of the partnership, the Virginia Nuclear … Continue reading

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CRAMPED, ISOLATED, AND HEAVILY-ARMED: What life is like on a Navy submarine via Business Insider

With deployments underwater typically running 90 days, life onboard a submarine is anything but normal. Cramped quarters are the norm, and sailors must have the right technical know-how as well as determination to spend months underwater at a time. To … Continue reading

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Genkai mayor asks Kyushu Electric to pay tax on spent nuclear fuel via The Asahi Shimbun

GENKAI, Saga Prefecture–Kyushu Electric Power Co. indicated it was willing to pay a new tax on spent nuclear fuel stored at its Genkai nuclear plant to help the town recover lost revenue from reactor shutdowns. Genkai Mayor Hideo Kishimoto on … Continue reading

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