Semi truck carrying uranium catches fire near Honeywell via WPSD

A semi truck caught on fire at the Honeywell Plant in Metropolis, IL Sunday evening. The truck was transporting uranium at the time.

The Massac County Fire Department responded and put the fire out. They say the fire started in the engine of the cab of the truck.

Honeywell spokesman Peter Dalpe released the statement below.

“The tractor or cab part of a tractor trailer that was delivering natural uranium ore caught on fire in front of Honeywell Metropolis facility Sunday evening. Local firefighters responded and extinguished the fire. There were no reported injuries to the driver and there are no reports that the fire breached the trailer. Firefighters indicated the fire apparent started in the engine compartment of tractor.

The truck was not in the facility itself and there was no danger to the operations. The plant initially declared a plant alert and notified the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission as per plant procedures. However, that alert status was later downgrade to plant emergency, which is the lowest alert status at the plant.”

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