Presley to Obama: Mississippi doesn’t want nuclear waste via The Clarion-Ledger

Public Service Commissioner Brandon Presley has forwarded to President Obama resolutions passed by the PSC in opposition to storing nuclear waste in Mississippi.

Last year, federal officials considering alternatives to plans to store the nation’s nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, mentioned Mississippi’s salt domes as a possible option. At the time, the Mississippi Energy Institute issued a report that said creating a nuclear waste center in Mississippi would “serve as a platform for significant opportunities … to develop a massive nuclear energy industry center in the state of Mississippi.”

Presley said that more recently, Assistant Secretary of Nuclear Energy Peter Lyons was quoted as calling Mississippi one of “the most public of potential hosts to express interest in taking high-level waste.”

Presley, Northern District commissioner with the three-member PSC, this week sent Obama recent unanimously-passed PSC resolutions opposing permanent nuclear waste storage in Mississippi, and calling for $80 million in refunds, money “paid by Mississippi residents for a failed government storage facility in Yucca Mountan.”

“I think it is very important for everyone from the White House to our congressional delegation and the bureaucrats in the Energy Department to know that this agency stands unified against any efforts to make Mississippi America’s nuclear waste dump,” Presley said.
Opponents say technology hasn’t reached a point to make such storage safe.

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