Rice from Fukushima served in govt. dining room via NHK World


Rice was cultivated in several decontaminated fields in Yamakiya District in Kawamata Town and Iitate Village as part of a test. The 2 areas were designated as evacuation zones after the 2011 nuclear accident.

Officials from Fukushima Prefecture say no radioactive materials were detected in any of the harvested rice.

540 kilograms of the rice will be served in a government office complex in Tokyo for 9 days from Monday.

Senior Vice Environment Minister Shinji Inoue and Parliamentary Vice Environment Minister Tomoko Ukishima tasted rice balls made of the crop on the first day.

Inoue said the rice tasted good especially when he thought about the great effort that went into cultivating the crop.

A farmer from Kawamata Town said he will continue to cultivate rice now that he knows that it’s possible to grow a tasty product if the paddy fields are properly decontaminated. He said he travelled from his temporary home to the paddy to tend the rice as it grew.

Read more at Rice from Fukushima served in govt. dining room

Related article: 除染した水田で収穫したコメ、環境省食堂で使用 via Yomiuri online

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