State Officials Say Georgia Power Not Off The Hook For Vogtle Overruns via WABE News

Georgia Power and state regulators have reached a tentative deal to temporarily waive an extra $700 million in cost overruns for the Plant Vogtle nuclear expansion project near Augusta.

Long-time state Public Service Commissioner Stan Wise says the deal doesn’t mean less accountability for Georgia Power.

“It punts it, I understand that. But the review by the commission will be the same whether it’s now, next year, or the year after,” said Wise.

Earlier this year, Georgia Power filed a request with the PSC asking to charge its customers an extra $737 million for the two new reactors under construction.

But last week, after some state officials including the governor expressed concern about that scenario, Georgia Power said it would take the request off the table for now.

Company spokesman John Kraft said it was less about political pressure, and more about not having a full grasp of the extra costs.

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