Joseph M. Farley Plant in Dothan on alert via CBS42


The alert was given due to an carbon dioxide release in the plant. Carbon dioxide is used in the plant to reduce fire hazards. It has since been isolated and both units of the plant are operating at 100 percent.

Officials with the plant say that there haven’t been any fires reported on the site and that all site personnel have been accounted for with no accidents or injuries reported.

No radiation was released as a result of this event. The alert has not been suspended as of yet.


DOTHAN, Ala. (WIAT)- The Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant in Dothan has been placed on alert as of 5:20am Saturday morning.

The two-unit electric generating plant is owned by Alabama Power Company and operated by Southern Nuclear Operating Company. Officials say the public is not in danger, but the alert is the second least on a scale of four nuclear emergency classifications given by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. State, federal, and local officials have been notified of the alert.

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