Fukushima Watch: Anti-Nuclear Activists Unimpressed by Meeting With PM via The Warll Street Journal

After meeting the prime minister, activists expressed disappointment.

“I don’t think it resonated,” said Misao Redwolf, one of the participants. “My impression of Mr. Noda is that he was someone who didn’t look people in the eye.”

The government will soon decide on a long-term national energy strategy, choosing from three options under consideration. One has nuclear energy accounting for 0% of Japan’s total electricity production by 2030. Another has it at 15%, and a third would keep Japan’s nuclear energy use at around current levels of 20%-25%. People in the government familiar with the matter have told The Wall Street Journal it is leaning toward the zero-nuclear option.

Mr. Noda said he would take the protesters’ opinions into account, as well as other opinions from the public, when deciding which path to follow.

For the time being, however, it looks like the protesters will be back outside Mr. Noda’s door again on Friday.

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