Pakistan, India to exchange nuclear data today via Daily Times

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and India will exchange lists of nuclear installations and facilities on Sunday, officials said on Saturday.

The annual exchange takes place on January 1 every year under an agreement signed in 1988, when the nuclear neighbours undertook not to attack each other’s nuclear facilities. Under the agreement, they are required to exchange lists of their installations on the first working day of each year. The sources said the lists would be exchanged despite weekly holiday on Sunday.

India and Pakistan both conducted nuclear tests in 1998. The “Agreement on the Prohibition of Attack Against Nuclear Installations and Facilities” came into force in January 1991. The lists will be handed over to the officers of the Pakistani and Indian high commissions in Islamabad and New Delhi. The first exchange took place on Jan 1, 1992, and the 2012 exchange will be the 21st consecutive list exchange between the two countries.

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