Nuclear Energy in Virginia via The Richmond Times-Dispatch

The Times-Dispatch held its 37 th Public Square on the evening of Nov. 15. The topic was nuclear energy. The main event was an informative four-person debate. Eugene Grecheck of Dominion Resources and Sama Bilbao y Leon spoke in favor of nuclear power, while Jerry Rosenthal of Concerned Citizens of Louisa County and Louis Zeller of the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League took the other side.

Times-Dispatch business reporter Peter Bacqué began the Square with an overview of events at Dominion’s North Anna nuclear reactors since they were shaken by an earthquake on Aug. 23. Publisher Tom Silvestri served as moderator for the Public Square, held at the newspaper’s downtown building. After the debate, the floor was opened for comments and questions from the audience. To watch the Square online or to read a complete transcript, go to and search for Public Square. Below, we present some highlights from an evening of spirited discussions.

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