2011.7.31 18:05日本母親大会で地元小学生らと合唱する俳優の吉永小百合さん(中央)=31日午後、広島市中区(日本母親大会提供)
◇ 関連記事:
- 吉永小百合さん、「原発なくなって」と訴える via Yomiuri online
- 吉永小百合さん「原発なくなって」原爆詩朗読会で発言 via asahi.com
2011.7.31 18:05日本母親大会で地元小学生らと合唱する俳優の吉永小百合さん(中央)=31日午後、広島市中区(日本母親大会提供)
◇ 関連記事:
A nuclear power plant in Byron, Illinois. Taken by photographer Joseph Pobereskin (http://pobereskin.com).
The artwork in the header, titled "JAPAN:Nuclear Power Plant," is copyright artist Tomiyama Taeko.
The photograph in the sidebar, of a nuclear power plant in Byron, Illinois, is copyright photographer Joseph Pobereskin (http://pobereskin.com/)
This website was designed by the Center for East Asian Studies, the University of Chicago, and is administered by Masaki Matsumoto, Graduate Student in the Masters of Arts Program for the Social Sciences, the University of Chicago.
If you have any questions, please contact the Center for East Asian Studies, the University of Chicago at 773-702-2715 or japanatchicago@uchicago.edu.