Why the UK must choose renewables over nuclear: an answer to Monbiot via guardian.co.uk

Monbiot is fixed in a contrarian crusade to undermine the solar industry and his controversialist instincts have blinded him.

Why must the UK choose between nuclear and renewable energy? That was the question George Monbiot asked recently in a blog that challenged me to answer four questions. Here is a concise version of my answers: the full version of my answers will be posted on my website.

What has the Committee on Climate Change got wrong?

A lot. The principal source for the committee’s estimates would appear to be Decc’s own figures prepared for them by Mott MacDonald in June 2010. The assumptions on which this analysis is based are heroic, to put it mildly.

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Why must UK have to choose between nuclear and renewable energy? via guradian.co.uk

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