Sharp President Pushes Solar Power in Japan’s Nuclear Wake via The Wall Street Journal


As Japan rethinks its dependence on nuclear energy in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear accident, Sharp Corp. is out front in the discussion over what’s next.

A proposed shift in Japan’s energy policy could mean higher electricity costs for Sharp and its fellow manufacturers. Sharp—whose biggest businesses are liquid-crystal display panels and television sets—is a member Keidanren, a powerful Japanese business lobby opposed to the proposed renewable energy bills.

Sharp’s Mikio Katayama says, under the current system, an alternative to nuclear power would cost more.

However, Sharp could benefit from the new policies, which would require utilities to buy up electricity that comes from renewable sources. The company is Japan’s largest supplier of solar panels, which accounted for about 9% of Sharp’s overall revenue of ¥3.02 trillion (US$38.57 billion) in the last fiscal year.

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3 Responses to Sharp President Pushes Solar Power in Japan’s Nuclear Wake via The Wall Street Journal

  1. yukimiyamotodepaul says:

    Great news! But I also acknowledge that while Hitachi, Toshiba, Mitsubishi have already invested so much on nuclear technology (with GE, WH, and Areva respectively), Sharp has not yet. But whatever the reason, shifting to solar energy is good.

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