Japanese nuclear city reveals huge plan to clean every building and road of radiation via Telegraph

The government of nuclear-stricken Japanese city of Fukushima is drawing up plans to scrub every building and road clean of radioactivity – a process that will take up to 20 years.

Japanese nuclear city reveals huge plan to clean every building and road of radiation

Workers braved high radiation levels in an attempt to salvage the situation at the stricken Fukushima plant Photo: Getty

By Julian Ryall, Tokyo

11:26AM BST 14 Jul 2011

“We are drawing up a plan to clean our city and the first phase of the project will be announced early next month,” Akane Saito, a spokeswoman for the city government, told The Daily Telegraph. “We are still discussing the plan so the final details have not been decided yet and the final cost will depend on what measures are taken.”

The cost of the two-decade clean-up operatioon is likely to run into billions of yen and local authorities are hoping to receive funding from the national government and Tokyo Electric Power Co., the operator of the crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant, to cleanse the 288 square miles that make up the city.

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