Tag Archives: Hiroshima

‘No more hibakusha’ takes on new meaning after 3/11′ via The Japan Times

Commentary/World By Ryan Masaaki Yokota CHICAGO – I remember quite vividly the televised news of the 2011 earthquake that hit the Tohoku region. Like most of the world, I watched in horror at the destructive force of the tsunami that … Continue reading

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Tuesday morning ceremony near Y-12 recalls Hiroshima bombing via Oak Ridge Today

A Tuesday morning ceremony near the Y-12 National Security Complex will recall the bombing of Hiroshima, Japan, on Aug. 6, 1945, during World War II, organizers said. The annual event at the front of Y-12 includes a Names and Remembrance … Continue reading

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U.S. Film Producer Oliver Stone To Meet Hiroshima Survivors via Bernama

TOKYO, Aug 5 (Bernama) — U.S. film director Oliver Stone will meet with atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki this week as the two cities commemorate lives lost in the U.S. atomic bombings in 1945, Xinhua news agency reported. … Continue reading

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Untitled Album via Anarchism’s page (Facebook)

Which terrorist group did that?

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68 Years Ago: The Nuclear Age Is Born—Amid Secrecy, Cover-up and Radiation Threat Read more: 68 Years Ago: The Nuclear Age Is Born—Amid Secrecy, Cover-up and Radiation Threat via The Nation

While most people trace the dawn of the nuclear era to August 6, 1945, and the dropping of the atomic bomb over the center of Hiroshima, it really began three weeks earlier, in the desert near Alamogordo, New Mexico, with … Continue reading

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« Crime d’Etat » à Fukushima : « L’unique solution est la fuite » via Le nouvel observateur

L’intervention de professeur Hiroaki Koide «Aujourd’hui encore, de nombreux travailleurs sont irradiés afin de pouvoir mener à bien ces travaux de confinement. Les 100 tonnes de céramique d’uranium qui se trouvaient dans le cœur ont liquéfié la base de béton … Continue reading

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Humans Used for Radiation Experiments: A Shameful Chapter in US History via City Watch

EXPOSE REVISITED – This year marks the 20th anniversary of the declassification of top-secret studies, the “Human Radiation Experiments,” done over a period of 30 years, in which the US conducted radiation experiments on as many as 20,000 vulnerable US … Continue reading

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Barefoot Gen creator Keiji Nakazawa passes away via Comic Book Resources

Keiji Nakazawa, who lived through the bombing of Hiroshima as a child and wrote the internationally acclaimed Barefoot Gen about his experiences, died Dec. 19 of lung cancer. He was 73. Nakazawa was 7 years old on Aug. 6, 1945, … Continue reading

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Chernobyl Cleanup Workers Had Significantly Increased Risk of Leukemia via UCSF

Findings May Help Estimate Cancer Risk from Low-Dose Exposures like CT Scans A 20-year study following 110,645 workers who helped clean up after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident in the former Soviet territory of Ukraine shows that the … Continue reading

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Nigeria doctors denied visas for Hiroshima confab via The Japan Times

NEW YORK — Japan won’t grant visas to most members of a group of Nigerian doctors planning to attend a conference in Hiroshima sponsored by the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, its U.S. affiliate said Wednesday. The … Continue reading

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