Tag Archives: secrecy

Alex Wellerstein pulls back the curtain on nuclear secrecy via Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

By Susan D’Agostino | April 26, 2021 Historian Alex Wellerstein has thought about nuclear secrecy for a long time. He began writing his book, Restricted Data: The History of Nuclear Secrecy in the United States, when George W. Bush was president. He continued writing … Continue reading

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The 47-year-old nuclear elephant in the room via The Center for Public Integrity

A growing number of U.S. experts say that feigning ignorance about Israel’s nuclear arsenal creates more trouble than it averts […] The policy of never publicly confirming what a scholar once called one of the world’s “worst-kept secrets” dates from … Continue reading

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50 Reasons We Should Fear the Worst From Fukushima via EcoWatch/Reader Supported News

By Harvey Wasserman ndeed, the official presumption has always been that showing proof of damage from nuclear Bomb tests and commercial reactors falls to the victims, not the perpetrators. And that in any case, the industry will be held virtually … Continue reading

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Hanford and the middle ground between “knowing” and “not knowing” via The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

By Daniele Macluglia Scholarly work on the public understanding of the Cold War nuclear industry has frequently focused on media coverage related to the secrecy of US nuclear sites. This method of analysis holds true particularly for the Hanford Site, … Continue reading

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68 Years Ago: The Nuclear Age Is Born—Amid Secrecy, Cover-up and Radiation Threat Read more: 68 Years Ago: The Nuclear Age Is Born—Amid Secrecy, Cover-up and Radiation Threat via The Nation

While most people trace the dawn of the nuclear era to August 6, 1945, and the dropping of the atomic bomb over the center of Hiroshima, it really began three weeks earlier, in the desert near Alamogordo, New Mexico, with … Continue reading

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How Canada exposed Israel’s secret nukes with help from a Mennonite via The Globe and Mail

Canadians helped uncover Israel’s secret nuclear weapons program, newly discovered papers from the mid-1960s have revealed, with a key role being played by a Department of National Defence intelligence analyst who was a churchgoing Mennonite committed to peace. It was … Continue reading

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French Nuclear Disaster Scenario Was So Bad The Government Kept It Secret via Democratic Underground.com

Catastrophic nuclear accidents, like Chernobyl in 1986 or Fukushima No. 1 in 2011, are, we’re incessantly told, very rare, and their probability of occurring infinitesimal. But when they do occur, they get costly. So costly that the French government, when … Continue reading

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Watchdog experts evicted from post-Fukushima conferences via Enformable Nuclear News

This week Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility attorney John Geesman, seismologist consultant Dr. Douglas Hamilton, and outreach coordinator David Weisman traveled to a three day workshop in Oakland, which was a part of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission mandated post-Fukushima workshop. All … Continue reading

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NISA, Tepco knew in ’06 of Fukushima tsunami threat via The Japan Times

The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency and Tokyo Electric Power Co. were aware at least by 2006 that the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant was at risk of having its power knocked out by massive tsunami, NISA officials said Tuesday. … Continue reading

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Cabinet kept alarming nuke report secret via The Japan Times Online

The government buried a worst-case scenario for the Fukushima nuclear crisis that was drafted last March and kept it under wraps until the end of last year, sources in the administration said Saturday. After the document was shown to a … Continue reading

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