Tag Archives: evacuees

東電に6540万円の賠償命令、国への請求は棄却 福島原発避難者訴訟、さいたま地裁判決 via 東京新聞

東京電力福島第一原発事故で福島県から埼玉県などに避難した住民ら95人が、国と東電に計約11億円の損害賠償を求めた訴訟の判決で、さいたま地裁は20日、東電に計約6540万円の支払いを命じた。国への請求は「規制権限を行使しても事故を回避できたとはいえない」として棄却した。原告側は控訴する方針。  国と東電の双方に賠償を求めた訴訟の地裁判決は18件目。国の責任は地裁、高裁で判断が分かれ、最高裁が近く統一判断を示す見通し。東電の責任はいずれも認められている。 岡部純子裁判長は判決理由で、国は2002年に公表した地震予測の「長期評価」を基に、福島第一原発の主要建屋の敷地高を超える津波の到来を予見できたのに、規制権限を行使しなかったと指摘。「重大な責務を果たしたとはいえない」とした。  一方、予測された津波と実際の津波は違いが大きく、「長期評価にしたがって規制権限を行使しても、事故を回避できたことが認められない」として国への訴えを退けた。原告の一部は東電による賠償も認められなかった。 原告は原発事故の避難指示区域に住んでいた人や自主避難者ら。[…] さいたま市内で会見した原告側は「大事故を起こしておいて、規制してもしなくても同じで責任がないというのは、到底信じられない判断だ」と批判。原子力規制委員会は「新規制基準への適合性審査を厳格に進め、適切に規制したい」、東電は「判決内容を精査し、対応を検討する」とコメントした。(杉原雄介) 全文

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10 years since the Fukushima nuclear disaster via Japanese against nuclear UK

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FEATURE: Fukushima nuclear crisis evacuees face unresolved issues 10 years on via Kyodo News

By Donican Lam […] And while the numbers — including those who voluntarily fled without an evacuation order — have halved from their peak of 62,831 in March 2012, many of the issues facing evacuees remain unresolved. Nakate, who was … Continue reading

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Ten years on, Japan’s Fukushima victims worry they’ve been forgotten via The Korea Times

Sumio Konno used to invite neighborhood children and their parents to a barbeque in his garden, overlooking a forest and a pond where water birds would come and go. “We would often get together and grill fish, mushrooms and freshly … Continue reading

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65% of Fukushima evacuees have no intention of returning home: survey via The Mainichi

[…] While the survey, conducted by a research facility at Kwansei Gakuin University, only received responses from 522 of 4,876 people to whom questionnaires were sent, it provided a rare insight into how former residents see the reconstruction of their … Continue reading

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In Japan, Pope Francis urges rethink of reliance on nuclear energy via the Japan Times

Meeting survivors of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster, which triggered meltdowns at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, visiting Pope Francis urged caution in Tokyo on Monday regarding decisions that could affect future generations, particularly concerning the use … Continue reading

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Fukushima evacuees resist return as ‘Reconstruction Olympics’ near via France24

With Japan keen to flaunt Tokyo 2020 as the “Reconstruction Olympics”, people who fled the Fukushima nuclear disaster are being urged to return home but not everyone is eager to go. […] But Kazuko Nihei, who fled her home in … Continue reading

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Nuclear evacuees to face tougher housing situations from April via The Mainichi

YAMAGATA, Japan (Kyodo) — Voluntary evacuees from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident will face tougher housing situations from April as only one local government in Japan will continue a free housing program, according to a Kyodo News tally. Ehime Prefecture … Continue reading

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Tokyo as well as Fukushima Is NOT radiologically Safe. The Government of Japan is Making Tokyo Olympics “Radiating Fields” of Athletes and Visitors via Go West-Come West

We are “Go West Come West,” an organization of evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear disaster and their supporters. On the 73rd anniversary of the United States atomic bombing, we would like to send greetings of solidarity to all visitors to … Continue reading

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Evacuee Mom’s August 6 Hiroshima Day English Speech via Go West-Come West

Read speech here. See Emergency Statement on police oppression of nuclear evacuees

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