Kennette Benedict speaking at at nuclear conference in Chicago, Dec 1-2 via The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

Kennette Benedict, executive director of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, will lead a panel at a two-day conference, December 1-2, observing the 70th anniversary of the first controlled nuclear chain reaction, and the consequences of the nuclear age. The conference is sponsored by the Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS) in Illinois, and will take place at the University of Chicago — on Saturday at the International House, 1414 E. 59th St., and on Sunday at the Hutchinson commons, Reynolds Hall, 5706 University Ave.

Benedict’s panel on the connection between nuclear power and nuclear weapons is at 1:30 pm on Saturday, December 1, at the International House. She will be joined by Bulletin author and former US Department of Energy leader Bob Alvarez; Paul Gunter, who is the director of the reactor oversight at Beyond Nuclear, specializing in reactor hazards and the security of operating reactors; and Kendra Ulrich, nuclear campaigner at Friends of the Earth.

Additional information, including a complete schedule and registration details, can be found on the NEIS website.

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