#485 – BREAKING: Nuclear Football & Trump’s Covid + Meds – Garrett Graff + South African Award-Winning Climate Change Activist Makoma Lekalakala via Nuclear Hotseat

by Libbe HaLevy | Oct 7, 2020 |


  • Nuclear Football = Nuclear Launch Codes – What does it mean to international security when the President of the United States, who has sole, unimpeded access  and right to launch nuclear weapons, has an illness that often creates hallucinations and is on medication with a range of potential side effects that include “mental problems such as aggression, agitation, and anxiety”?

    Garrett Graff, author of RAVEN ROCK: The Story of the U.S. Government’s Secret Plan to Save Itself–While the Rest of Us Die, fills us in.  He is an expert on the “Nuclear Football” – the 35 lb. briefcase containing all the nuclear launch codes.  It is carried by special military personnel follows the president everywhere, from the bathroom to the Covid-contaminated Presidential suite at Walter Reed.  What are the implications in light of the President’s illness and medical steroid use? A Nuclear Hotseat EXCLUSIVE – something even Dan Rather and the New York Times don’t yet have!
  • LINK to Nuclear Hotseat #366 interview with Garrett Graff from June 27, 2018:In case of #Nuclear war, politicians/gov’t officials survive; we die. #LibbeHaLevy interviews #GarrettGraff, author, RAVEN ROCK: The Story of the US Government’s Secret Plan to Save Itself while the Rest of Us Die. Nuclear Hotseat 366. http://nuclearhotseat.com/2018/06/27/366

This Week’s Second Featured Interview:

  • Makoma Lekalakala is a South African social-economic environmental activist.  She is the Director of Earthlife Africa, a civil society environmental justice and anti-nuclear organization. She has long been active in social movements, tackling issues from gender and women’s rights, social, economic and environmental justice.  In recent years, Makoma has focused on targeting environmental corruption.  Her commitment to climate justice in South Africa has led civil society to win the first South African climate change legal case against the government — and the reversal of the nuclear deal by South Africa and the Russian government.  For her efforts, she received the Goldman Environmental Prize for Africa 2018 award and SAB Environmentalist of the year 2018 award.

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