Daily Archives: 2020/09/09

After 2011 Disaster, Fukushima Embraced Solar Power. The Rest Of Japan Has Not via NPR

By Kat Lansdorf Atop a small hill on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu sits a small solar farm with big, broad panels lined up in rows, tilting to catch the sun. Lush vegetation creeps over the edges of the … Continue reading

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Corruption scandals expose nuclear industry for what it is via Augusta Free Press

By Tim Judson, David Kraft and Pat Marida Proponents of nuclear energy like to present it as a cutting-edge technology that would save us from climate disaster. But recent corruption scandals in Ohio and Illinois have shown the nuclear industry … Continue reading

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Shutdown of Iowa’s only nuclear power plant will mean less cancer via Des Moines Register

By Joseph Mangano The Duane Arnold shutdown, at a time when safe, renewable wind power is growing rapidly, means a healthier future for Iowans. The derecho that slammed Iowa on Aug. 10 damaged the Duane Arnold nuclear reactor near Cedar … Continue reading

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