An Open Letter to People of Japan from Concerned Peace Organizations and Citizens of the United States in Observance of the 75th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombings in Japan・核問題に憂慮する米国の市民ならびに米国の平和団体から日本の市民への公開書簡 —日本に対する原爆投下から75周年という節目を迎えて—via Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World


Although our government has not apologized officially for this war crime and crime against humanity, the members of our coalition would like to extend our deepest condolences to the atomic bomb survivors (Hibakusha) who have endured great mental and physical hardships for 75 years.


After more than seven decades of a nuclear deterrence policy, it has been an undeniable global consensus that the world has become more dangerous under such policy. We promise to keep raising our voices to our government regarding the importance of keeping arms control treaties and signing and ratifying the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which was adopted by the United Nations in 2017 with overwhelming support from 122 member states. We also hope that Japan will be the first country in the U.S. nuclear alliance to give up the U.S. nuclear umbrella by swiftly signing, ratifying and playing a leadership role in pro¬moting the Treaty. Our coalition also calls on Japan to preserve its peace constitution and to support the peace process on the Korean Peninsula.
   Japan has been suffering from the 2011 nuclear accident in Fukushima, which is the world’s worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. The triple meltdown and the explosions at Fukushima Daiichi forced some 160,000 residents to evacuate. The storage tanks of radioactive water at the stricken nuclear facility are reaching capacity, and the government plans to dump the radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean. Thyroid cancer, one of the known adverse effects from radiation exposure, has been on the rise among children. The use of nuclear technology, whether it is military or civilian, comes with enormous risks and incalculable consequences. Effective global nuclear disarmament will not be possible as long as we allow the commercial use of plutonium and highly enriched uranium.


 We have more than hope. Along with a growing list of cities and states, the New York City Council is poised to pass two bills with veto-proof support that call for our nation to uphold the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and to divest from nuclear weapons. Amalgamated Bank, one of the oldest banks in New York City, has stopped all investments and transactions with companies involved with nuclear weapons.
   Achieving a nuclear-free society is not just about abolishing nuclear weapons. It is about dismantling the decades-long culture of normalization and glorification of violence that are deeply woven into our laws and policies. We have to defund institutions that promote racism and militarization, and invest instead in peace, education, public health, affordable housing, feeding the poor, economic security, clean water and clean air, as well as creating many green jobs. Let us continue to work in solidarity for a nuclear-free world where, as an introduction clause of your constitution states, “all peoples of the world have the right to live in peace, free from fear and want.”






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