Tepco offers English-language virtual tour of crippled Fukushima nuclear plant via Japan Times

Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. has launched an English-language online virtual tour of the interior of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 power plant, allowing website visitors to check the progress of decommissioning work following the 2011 meltdowns — one of the world’s worst nuclear crises.

Inside Fukushima Daiichi offers views of 10 routes within the six-reactor plant’s premises, which are separated into red, yellow and green zones according to the degree of radioactive contamination.

Workers within the red zone — which includes the crisis-hit reactor buildings — must wear protective clothing and full-face masks, but can wear regular uniforms while in the green zone that makes up a large part of the premises.

More than seven years after the nuclear fuel meltdowns at the complex, triggered by a major earthquake and tsunami, images show a barrel-shaped cover structure on top of the No. 3 unit, which suffered a hydrogen explosion that blew off the roof off of the building.


Visitors can also find answers to various questions by clicking icons that pop up on the screen, such as explanations about equipment and the work that is being conducted inside. There are 360-degree views of some sites.

Tepco said it launched the English version last week, following the release of a Japanese version in March, after receiving requests from parties abroad to see current conditions at the plant.


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