Hiroshima survivors to visit Faslane peace camp via Helensburgh Advertiser

TWO survivors of the atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima will visit the Faslane peace camp on Thursday during a tour of Scotland.

Reiko Yamada and Midori Yamada are spending two days in Scotland as part of the ‘Hibakusha’ (literally ‘those affected by the explosion’) tour.

The tour is timed to co-incide with the start this week of UN negotiations on a global nuclear ban treaty, which are being boycotted by the UK.

Born in Hiroshima in 1934, Reiko Yamada was 10 when the US bomb devastated her city.

Midori Yamada was born four years after the detonation and shares the fear among second–generation survivors of ongoing genetic damage from the radiation.


“Over the years we have tended to forget how utterly horrific nuclear weapons are and we are sure their visit will help us all to re-connect with that sober reality.

“But this is also a time of great hope as the UN ban negotiations begin – the biggest breakthrough for disarmament in decades, though it is a huge concern that the Scottish rejection of nuclear weapons will not be formally represented in New York.”

The two women will observe the Faslane and Coulport bases on Thursday and will visit the Faslane peace camp at 3pm.

Read more at Hiroshima survivors to visit Faslane peace camp

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