OPG rejects other sites for nuclear waste storage via The Times Herald

Ontario Power Generation said in a news release that a proposed low- and intermediate-level nuclear waste repository at Kincardine on the shores of Lake Huron is the right solution.

Kay Cumbow disagrees.

“Anybody who cares about the Great Lakes, we don’t want to see radioactive waste put right on the Great Lakes, right next to the Great Lakes,” said Cumbow, a Lynn Township resident who is a member of the Great Lakes Environmental Alliance. “… It seems to me what their product is is radioactive waste and we’re going to be leaving it for generations to come.”

The Canadian utility company had proposed to prepare a site and construct and operate what it calls a deep geologic repository for the long-term management of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste at the Bruce nuclear site, within the municipality of Kincardine. The facility would be about 2,230 feet below the surface and less than a mile inland from Lake Huron.

Catherine McKenna, Canada’s minister of Environment and Climate Change, had requested on Feb. 18 more information and further environmental studies about the proposed project.


Cumbow said she questions why nuclear power generation remains in use when there is no good solution for the waste.


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