Fallout over drone crash at Koeberg via IOL

Cape Town – While the Hawks have confirmed taking over the investigation into a drone that crashed at the Koeberg Nuclear Power Station, nuclear experts have reacted with outrage towhat they say is Eskom’s “lax security”.

The SA Civil Aviation Authority (Sacaa) said the crash was being handled by its legal and aviation compliance division.


Nuclear and former UWC research expert Renfrew Christie says any unauthorised breach of a nuclear power station perimeter should be treated as “deadly serious” and an emergency.

“It is plain that this breach by a drone was mishandled by Eskom. The offending drone should not have been returned to its owner, and certainly not before a complete investigation had taken place. I believe nuclear breaches should always be prosecuted in the courts,” he said.

Christie said a breach of Koeberg airspace was an offence and it was up to a judge, not an Eskom official, to decide on mitigating factors.

“This is because what may seem an accidental intrusion by a ‘recreational’ drone could well be undercover reconnoitring for an attack,” he said.

Read more at Fallout over drone crash at Koeberg

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