TN nuclear plant’s second unit gets clearance, to go critical soon via

w Delhi, July 8 : The Kudankulam nuclear power plant’s second unit is expected to go critical in a few days after the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) gave the final clearance on Friday, informed sources said.
In an interview to IANS earlier, Vladimir A. Angelov, the Director for Projects in India for ASE, the Engineering and Construction Division of Rosatom, had said that the plant have enhanced safety features.

“It is a generation three plus plant, which takes into account the Fukushima event. The post-Fukushima safety enhancement requirements have already been implemented and being operated successfully,” said an official who did not want to be named.

“The reactor of the Kudankulam plant is protected from the impact of earthquake, tsunami, tornado and hurricanes,” the official added.

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