Homegrown Solar Jobs Flourishing in Illinois via public news service

CHICAGO – The sun is shining on solar power in Illinois.

A new report ranks the state 12th nationally for the number of people employed in the solar industry, up from 20th in 2013. According to The Solar Foundation, 1,700 solar jobs were added last year, bringing the total to 3,800 in Illinois.

Bret Fanshaw, solar program with Environment America, says these are homegrown jobs in sectors like manufacturing and installation.

“In a lot of ways the jobs can’t be outsourced because they’re right here at home,” he says. “You’re installing them on someone’s home in Chicago and so that’s a job that’s right here in the state of Illinois.”

The Solar Jobs Census found that nationally the industry is exceeding growth expectations, adding workers at a rate nearly 20 times faster than the overall economy. It’s estimated employment in solar has grown over 85 percent in the past five years, resulting in nearly 80,000 jobs.
– See more at: http://www.publicnewsservice.org/2015-02-17/environment/homegrown-solar-jobs-flourishing-in-illinois/a44577-1#sthash.43MQsfSR.dpuf

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