Fukushima governor gives go-ahead for intermediate storage facility for radioactive debris via Asahi Shimbun

FUKUSHIMA–Fukushima Governor Yuhei Sato said on Aug. 30 that his prefecture will accept the central government’s plan to construct an intermediate storage facility in Okuma and Futaba for radioactive debris from cleanup work due to the nuclear disaster.

He made the announcement after meeting here with mayors of the two towns that are jointly hosting the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.

“I made a painful decision. I decided to accept the construction,” Sato told reporters after the meeting.

When the facility is completed, radioactive soil and debris, which have been temporarily placed in various parts of the prefecture at present, will be transported there. This will allow the decontamination efforts to be accelerated, since local opposition to temporary storage sites has impeded the buildup of the contaminated materials.

However, of the more than 2,000 landowners who will be contacted in regards to the storage facility, some are reluctant to sell or lease their land. Therefore, the focus from now is whether they will accept the government’s offers.

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