TEPCO Quietly Admits Reactor 3 Could Be Melting Down NOW via NSNBC

Susanne Posel (OC) , – The Turner Radio Network (TRN) has issued a report regarding the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant stating that it is expected to affect the entire Northern Hemisphere.

According to the report: “Persons residing on the west coast of North America should IMMEDIATELY begin preparing for another possible onslaught of dangerous atmospheric radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster site in Japan.”

TEPCO has confirmed via camera surveillance, that steam has begun to pour from Reactor 3, although they have “not been identified abnormal plant conditions.”

TEPCO is reporting that “radioactive steam has suddenly begun emanating from the previously exploded nuclear reactor building #3 at the Fukuishima disaster site in Japan.”

The corporation is not clear on the details of the sudden change at Reactor 3 because of “lethal radiation levels in that building.”

Summations from experts conclude that this may “be the beginning of a ‘spent fuel pool criticality (melt down)’ involving up to 89 TONS of nuclear fuel burning up into the atmosphere and heading to North America.” Steam has been viewed coming from Reactor 3.

Educated guesses suggest that the steam is “coming from what’s left of the fifth floor of the mostly-destroyed building.”

TEPCO has admitted that “they do not know why this steam is being generated, but matter-of-factly revealed on December 28 that the steam was first spotted on December 19 for a short period of time, then again on December 24 and again on December 25.”

Continue reading at TEPCO Quietly Admits Reactor 3 Could Be Melting Down NOW

◇Despite the claims of this article, we would like readers to note the following: “There have been a number of unsubstantiated rumors going around about “new problems” at unit 3. Information is always better than rumor. We pulled the reactor data for the last week for unit 3. Temperatures are within expected and historical levels.” For more, see this analysis at SimplyInfo.

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3 Responses to TEPCO Quietly Admits Reactor 3 Could Be Melting Down NOW via NSNBC

  1. norma field says:

    “There have been a number of unsubstantiated rumors going around about “new problems” at unit 3. Information is always better than rumor. We pulled the reactor data for the last week for unit 3. Temperatures are within expected and historical levels.” For more, see this analysis at SimplyInfo.

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