Japan Sets New Standards for Recognizing A-Bomb Disease Sufferers via Jiji Press

  Tokyo, Dec. 16 (Jiji Press)–The Japanese government set new standards on Monday for recognizing survivors of the 1945 U.S. atomic bombings as sufferers of atomic bomb-related diseases, effective immediately.

Under the new standards, atomic bomb survivors affected by cardiac infarction, hypothyroidism, and chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis no longer have to prove the disease was induced by radiation exposure when applying to be recognized as sufferers of atomic bomb-related diseases.

The new standards were approved by a health ministry panel that reviewed the previous standards.

According to the ministry, some 4,000 people suffering from diseases other than cancer are expected to be recognized as sufferers of atomic bomb-related diseases.

The ministry said the review of the standards was not based on scientific findings but was made to help atomic bomb survivors.

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