First high school to close in Fukushima region due to nuclear meltdown via PBC

Shoei High School will be the first school in the Fukushima Prefecture to permanently close at the end of March 2014. The high school is around 13.67 miles outside of the nuclear plant.

Shoei, a private school in Minamisoma, Fukushima, has faced a shortage of student enrollment. The Japan Times reports that eight other public high schools in the area failed to meet the quota in the past two years, resulting in a forced relocation of each school. If these public schools don’t meet their quota for one more year, they may be closed permanently under the rules of Fukushima Prefectural Board of Education.

Shoin Gakuen, who runs Shoei high school, recognized that the school is at its “financial dead-end,” and will seek compensation from Tokyo Electric Power Co.


Despite the recent discovery of leaks and failed recovery attempts in the past two and a half years, the International Olympic Committee announced in September that Tokyo will host the 2020 summer Olympics. The announcement came after Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, assured the world that “the situation is under control,” and that the radiation should be no threat to the city of Tokyo.

Read more at First high school to close in Fukushima region due to nuclear meltdown

Related article: 松栄高(南相馬)今年度で廃校 原発事故の影響で初 via 福島民報

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