Illinois to better monitor active and inactive nuclear reactors via Power Engineering

The Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) chose InStep Software’s eDNA software suite to perform real-time environmental and radiological monitoring of the state’s seven nuclear power plants for $1.4 million.

The data management software will be used to monitor, store and analyze data from 11 operating commercial reactors at the Byron, Quad Cities, LaSalle, Clinton, Dresden and Braidwood power plants as well as an inactive reprocessing facility. Three nuclear units at the Zion station were permanently shut down in 2010 but will also be monitored.

“Keeping public safety our top priority, we recognized the need to modernize our legacy system. We wanted to deploy a modern supportable software platform that could provide the customization and reliability that we require for such a mission critical application,” said Kirk Lonbom, Chief of Information Technology at IEMA

Read more at  Illinois to better monitor active and inactive nuclear reactors

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