Russia’s Rosatom says in talks with Finnish firm on nuclear reactor via Reuters

(Reuters) – Nuclear consortium Fennovoima has held talks with Russia’s Rosatom over a reactor supply deal for its plant in northern Finland, an executive of the Russian nuclear company told Finnish radio.

Fennovoima has said it would choose this year between two potential suppliers, Areva (AREVA.PA) and Toshiba (6502.T), but Rosatom on Saturday said Fennovoima had also recently opened talks with the Russian firm.

“That they contacted us came as a quite a surprise to Rosatom,” Jukka Laaksonen, a vice president in Rusatom Overseas, Rosatom’s export branch, said in a radio interview with national broadcaster YLE.

Laaksonen said it was possible that state-owned Rosatom could invest in Fennovoima’s project, which it has estimated will cost around 4 to 6 billion euros.

Fennovoima declined to comment.

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