2 Fukushima men suffer internal radiation exposure from homegrown vegetables via The Mainichi

Two Fukushima Prefecture men in their 70s suffered a relatively high level of internal radiation exposure by consuming homegrown vegetables contaminated with radioactive cesium, a survey by the University of Tokyo’s Institute of Medical Science has found.

The level of radioactivity in one of the men was close to 20,000 becquerels. Researchers said this would result in an annual radiation dose of about 0.85 millisieverts — under the government’s yearly limit for radiation exposure from food of 1 millisievert per year.

Every day, the couple in Kawamata had eaten homegrown shiitake mushrooms grown on wood from the Fukushima Prefecture town of Namie, as well as bamboo shoots from near their homes, and dried persimmon. Radioactivity of over 140,000 becquerels was found in the mushrooms. The couple from Nihonmatsu reportedly consumed vegetables given to them by the other couple.

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