Naoto Kan, former Japanese Prime Minister, blames advisors for missteps during nuclear plant meltdown via Global Post

Naoto Kan, who was Japan’s prime minister during the March 2011 nuclear reactor meltdown at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant following an earthquake and tsunami, blamed his advisors for government missteps today, the Associated Press reported.

Speaking to a parliamentary panel investigating the disaster, Kan said the government’s nuclear experts and Fukushima Dai-ichi plant officials did not provide him with adequate information about the meltdown, CNN reported.


Kan also slammed Japan’s pro-nuclear bureaucrats, businesspeople, regulators and academics for not showing remorse for the disaster, CNN reported.

Kan said he favored dismantling all nuclear power plants, according to CNN. “I would like to say to the Japanese and to the world – the safest nuclear policy is not to have any nuclear plants,” he said.

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