Vice minister makes case for reactor restart via The Japan Times

Governors of Shiga, Kyoto resist pressure from Tokyo


Senior vice trade minister Seishu Makino explained to Shiga Gov. Yukiko Kada the central government believes the two idled reactors are safe to use again and that it is necessary to do so to secure the electricity supply this summer. Makino then went on to visit Kyoto later in the day to hold a similar conversation with Kyoto Gov. Keiji Yamada.

In response, Kada said she was concerned and that the disaster at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No. 1 plant is “not someone else’s problem.”

Yamada said it is an important issue for Kyoto as well because of the dire threat of radioactive fallout spreading from a nuclear accident.

The two governors, whose prefectures come within a 30-km radius of the Oi plant, have aired concerns about firing up the idled reactors, saying they could be as badly affected as the municipality that hosts the plant if a major accident occurs.

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