Jordan to pick preferred bidder soon for nuclear plant: AECL president via Platts

Banff, Calgary (Platts)–26Sep2011/816 am EDT/1216 GMT

Jordan is due to announce a preferred bidder in October to construct the first nuclear power plant in the Middle Eastern country, a top official of Atomic Energy Canada Limited said.

“[Jordan Atomic Energy Commission] is in the process of opening the final three commercial bids and we feel our Enhanced Candu-6 [EC-6] reactor is a serious contender,” AECL’s CEO Hugh MacDiarmid said in an interview late Friday on the sidelines of the Global Business Forum in Banff, Calgary.

AECL is one of the bidders, with the others being a team of Areva and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and a joint venture of Atmea and Rosatoms Atomstroyexport.

AECL currently offers three designs of nuclear reactors — Candu-6 and EC-6, both of which are 700-MW class, and the Advanced Candu reactor 1000, with a 1,200 MW capacity.

“We have a relationship with Jordan that dates back to 2008 and have worked with JAEC to conduct engineering and feasibility studies to start a nuclear program there, assist in infrastructure development and site selection and also train manpower,” he said.

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