Nuclear engineering students unsure of Japan’s nuclear future via The Mainichi Daily News

KITAKYUSHU — A growing number of students in the field of nuclear engineering want to see Japan’s dependence on nuclear power reduced, according to a survey conducted by the Mainichi Shimbun.

The results were obtained from polls taken of 50 randomly-selected nuclear engineering students out of the 230 who attended an Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ) conference in the Fukuoka Prefecture city of Kitakyushu from Sept. 19 to 22.

Asked what should be done about nuclear power plants given the unfolding disaster at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant, the most common response — given by 24 of those surveyed — was: “Dependence on nuclear power should be gradually reduced.” Meanwhile, 21 of those polled said that nuclear power in Japan should be maintained at current levels or expanded. None of those surveyed said that nuclear power should be abandoned as soon as possible.

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